Friday, May 17, 2013

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

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SEO, the elaboration of SEO is Search Engine Optimization. There are so many search engine like Google, yahoo, ask, amazon, Wikipedia etc. You have a blog or website. You need more visitor in your blog or website. Without visitor your blog is unnecessary. If you want to earn by Google AdSense, SEO is must for your blog or website. Without SEO you never get visitor for your blog or website. 

If you want to earn from Google AdSense by blogging SEO is must for collect more visitor. More visitor more income. So, SEO is very important for your blog of website. 

SEO means to introduce your blog or website to the search engine. You have a website or blog, you can't say everyone to visit your blog, you can't posturing all over the world, you can't miking all over the world that I have a website or blog please visit.

You can submit your blog in different search engine for optimization. They will show your website or blog in searching by any one all over the world. 

Suppose you want to know about the hospitals of Bangladesh. You search at Google, they show you so many pages. Sometimes thousands pages will show you. But in the first page Google show only 10 pages. Why? It depend on page rank, Alexa rank, Back link, Post, Comments and mostly visitor. For increase your page rank SEO is must. Mainly we see only the first page then we change our searching keywords. So, what you need? You need to show your blog or website at the first page of different search engine. For this you should do SEO of your blogs or website. 

That means SEO means, submiting your blog or website in different search engine to show on the first page of searching. You should submit your site in different way in search engine, that is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

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