Saturday, August 31, 2013

Keyword Search

Hey dear visitors
How are you? I hope you are all well. Do you know, the important of keyword in your websites of blogs? Now I am discussing about the important of keyword search and using in your blogs or websites.
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Keyword search is ery important for your website or blog. Your website visitor, page rank, alexa rank all depend on keyword. When people search with their keyword, if match  with your keyword, search engine give search result and your website will be visited by more people. So, keyword search is very important for your website or blog. If you want to earn by google adsense, and like this advertizing site, you must need keyword search and use effective keywords in your blogs or websites.

What is keyword?

Keyword is that word, by which word we search any information in the internet. If we want to know about computer, but we don't know in which site we can get information about computer. So, we need to search by search engine which word we use for search is known as keyword.

There are some keword search sites .
These are.
Google adwords

Google adwords is the best for keyword search. It is an google service. We can use it by our gmail id.

The process of keyword searching by google adwords.
At first go to sign in with gmail id and password. If you have no gmail id , create a new gmail id then entire this site.......then click on Search and analycis tools........then keyword manner.....then write your search word will show you so many information of this word. The related word, which word get search more, monthly search, compitition high or low etc.....

Low competition and more visitor keywords is suitable for use in your website and blog.
Suppose, A word have 3,02,435 visitor per month. If you use this word in your website or blog, you can get so many visitor among these visitor. So, keyword search is very important for blogging and websites to increase visitor.


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